2013 Top-10 New Product Winners

Melissa Sandfort

newResults are in for World Ag Expo’s Top-10 New Products competition. The winners will be showcased at the 46th annual World Ag Expo. A group of judges made up of farmers, ranchers and industry professionals selected the Top-10 New Products.

ADA Enterprises: This first-of-its-kind product provides a safe, healthy and comfortable environment for newly-weaned calves, replacement heifers and veal calves.

Freeman, a division of Allied Systems: baler attachment

Barrier Systems, LLC: While watching television coverage of hundreds of volunteers filling sandbags during a flood in Fargo, N.D., general contractor Joe Hartley thought, “There has to be a better way.”

Clemens Vineyard Equipment, Inc.: a product that could dramatically change the way American growers plot and plant their vineyards and some tree crops.

L&H Airco: System featuring breakthrough technology to cool warehouses, processing facilities and other large enclosed areas

Click here to see the complete list of Top-10 products.

Agribusiness, Technology