RFA Ethanol Podcast

The View From Inside

Melissa Sandfort

SnowLast night we had our first snow of the season, if you can call it a snow. It was more like hurricane winds blowing around a few specks of white stuff. The roads aren’t bad but I don’t dare take my little car out for fear of getting blown off the road!

Our horse decided that cold triumphed over food and is standing in the barn out of the wind. And the two male cats that typically uphold their battle lines have decided to huddle together on a bale of hay.

I’ve already been asked three times by our son, “Do you want to farm with me?” Maybe I will have to take the afternoon off to do that because after all, “real” farmers don’t have the day off so why should pretend farmers?

And as much as I dislike snow, we need the moisture. I’m afraid the sled might not make it out of storage again this year.

Until we walk again …