It’s been a while since I went on an AgWalk and my apologies. Life happened. Christmas is almost here and I’ve been busy with decorating, an Elf named “Rope” (trust me, I didn’t come up with that one), frozen horse water and oh yeah, work!
But I have to share this story with you. My husband recently had his company Christmas party in Omaha. While out and about, he ran into a gal who was in town for an ag conference and in the midst of their conversation, he shared with her what I do for work. Her response? “Forgive me if I seem a little star-struck right now but ‘I Know Her!’ I follow her on AgWired!”
Just call me The Pioneer Woman. Don’t I wish?? But that’s how honored I felt when someone recognized my name and said she reads my articles. (And it wasn’t my aunt this time!)
I don’t know the impact I’m having, if any, but what I do know is that I am always excited to meet new people and the farmers and ranchers out there who work hard every day so that I can still have a job that I love. For that I’m grateful.
“Iowa Gal” – if you’re out there and reading this, thank you. I promise to be more diligent in AgWalking.
Until we walk again …