2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Social Media/Mobile Tech Webinars for Farm Biz

Chuck Zimmerman

University of Nebraska Extension is partnering with Ohio State Extension and Penn State Extension to offer a Social Media & Mobile Technology for Ag Businesses webinar series. The series is designed to help small business owners understand how to integrate social media and mobile applications into the company’s marketing plan. Seems like a good idea to me! As more and more farm owners are finding out, social media allows you to connect directly with customers and that means relationship development that will pay off in the future.

Social media tools (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc.), offer easy methods to communicating, connecting, and engaging with customers and the public. Mobile tools, operated from a smart phone or tablet (such as an iPad), offer many other options to both businesses and customers in finding and connecting with businesses, increasing ease of transactions, and other benefits.

Webinar participants will gain a better understanding of social media and mobile tools, and more importantly, learn how the tools can improve their marketing effectiveness and customer service. Topics in the series include Mobile Usage & Payment Technology, Introduction to Linkedin & Pinterest, Mobile and Location-based Marketing, Social Media Analysis Tools for Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest, Top 10 Trends & Cool Tools in Social Media, Keeping Up with the ‘Technology,’ Using Content for More Than One Social Media Tool, and Getting the Most from Facebook.

The Social Media & Mobile Technology for Ag Businesses webinar series begins on January 17, 2013, taking place weekly until March 7, 2013. Webinars are one hour in length and begin at 2:00 PM Eastern. Pricing for the webinar series is $10 per webinar or $50 for all eight. This fee provides access to chosen webinars and recordings of the webinar(s) that participants can view again after the initial webinar.

To register for the webinar series, please visit http://agsci.psu.edu/social-media-mobile-tech

Education, Farming, Social Media