2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Launches Advanced Weed Control Website

Cindy Zimmerman

Coinciding with the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting last week, BASF launched a new resource to help farmers develop effective weed control programs – the Advanced Weed Control website (advancedweedcontrol.basf.us).

BASF Technical Market Manager Dr. Dan Westberg says the website was created with input from farmers to provide them with the latest information, recommendations and insights on effective weed control based on geography. “It has expert advice and information including videos from various weed scientists talking about how to develop a comprehensive weed management plan,” he explained. “With maps and a series of simple clicks, growers can drill down very easily to see what’s available on a local basis for their crop, their weeds and specifics about our products, both pre-emergence and post-emergence.”

This past season was a tough one when it came to getting effective pre-emergence control due to the drought and some new weed problems sprouted up. “Of real note was the discovery of palmer ameranth in Ohio and Indiana and also in Michigan that apparently has been introduced via cottonseed hulls that went into the dairy industry and then they spread the manure,” Dan said. “So it’s really critical that growers throughout the Midwest develop comprehensive weed management systems that encompass multiple sites of action, using a residual herbicide so they have a strong foundation of weed control up front, and developing a long term plan throughout the year.”

BASF is expanding its herbicide portfolio with the pending registration of Engenia, with the commercial launch anticipated for 2014, in time for the launch of dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Westberg says that in results from more than 300 soybean field trials conducted in 2011 and 2012, Engenia demonstrated effective control of key broadleaf weeds including glyphosate resistant Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, marestail, and common and giant ragweed.

Listen to my interview with Dr. Dan here: Dr. Dan Westberg with BASF

2012 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Soybean, weed management