RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Herbicide Label “Warrants” Excitement

Cindy Zimmerman

The recent labeling of Warrant® Herbicide for pre-emergence use gives cotton and soybean farmers a new tool for residual weed control.

“Warrant herbicide will provide more options now that we’ve got a pre- and post-emerge label,” said Tyler Hackstadt, selective chemistry marketing lead for Monsanto, in an interview with Randall Weiseman of Southeast AgNet.

Listen to Randall’s report here: Southeast AgNet Report

The new, expanded label for Warrant provides farmers with more flexibility to manage small seeded grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as tough-to-control weeds like Palmer amaranth and tall waterhemp in either a pre- or post-emergence application. Monsanto offers Roundup Ready PLUS™ Weed Management Solutions to help farmers take a proactive approach to weed control. The Roundup Ready PLUS platform was developed by Monsanto in conjunction with leading academics, agronomists and other industry partners. Farmers can visit RoundupReadyPLUS.com or download the Weed Manager PLUS mobile application to access the latest weed management recommendations, information about financial incentives for farmers who use qualifying residual herbicides and other weed management resources.

Audio, weed management