2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Being Relevant to Your Customers

Chuck Zimmerman

Is your company still relevant to your customers? Well I hope so. But if you want to delve in to this Ross Shafer can help. Ross was the keynote speaker at the O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling dealer appreciation day. I first met Ross during this year’s Agri-Marketing Conference. He’s a very informative and entertaining speaker. He says the customer will always get what he wants and how he wants it.

Ross told everyone to go mobile or go home. By that he means having a mobile app or a website that is constructed to show and work properly regardless of the device used to look at it. He also talked about relationship factors as in when people like you they give you their money. Ross not only talked about being relevant during his keynote but also conducted a session on “How to Grab Market Share From Your Competitors.”

Listen to my interview with Ross here: Interview with Ross Shafer

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Agribusiness, Audio, O.H. Kruse