2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Syngenta Promotes Safety Benefits of Atrazine

Joanna Schroeder

Have you visited the Oasis yet? Syngenta recently launched the website “Saving the Oasis” to promote the safety of using atrazine. During the Farm Progress Show, Cindy Zimmerman caught up with Ann Bryan of Syngenta to learn more about the campaign.

The website features several documentaries: “Atrazine and Water,” “Atrazine and Safety,” and “Atrazine and Food Safety”. The goal of the campaign is for people to watch, learn and decide for themselves if they believe atrazine is safe. As an added incentive, if people go and watch the videos this month, Syngenta will donate $5 to the Iowa Food Bank Association through the end of September.

Ann said they wanted to correct some misinformation that’s out there with the public about atrazine. So the company engaged some academic experts over the last couple of years and released their benefits studies last November. With this information in their arsenal, they decided to turn them into mini documentaries with a focus of some of the benefits of atrazine that many don’t know about.

For example, atrazine helps minimize soil erosion and helps to keep the soil from collapsing into waterways. Ann said it also protects the environment and helps to foster habitat development. It also helps to increase the yield of many crops including corn, sorghum and sugarcane. Lastly, Ann highlighted that with the increase in yields, growers can help to feed a growing population.

Now it is time for you to decide. You can learn more about atrazine by watching the mini-documentaries (and helping those hungry get fed) and by listening to Cindy’s interview with Ann: Saving the Oasis

2012 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Environment, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta