2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Stand & Be Heard Singing Contest Update

Chuck Zimmerman

During the FMC Anthem Field Plot Tour this week I spoke with Rick Ekins, Product Manager, to get an update on the FMC Anthem Stand & Be Heard Singing Contest. There are only two days left to enter the contest. Rick is seen while we were out in the field during the demonstration portion of the tour. I think we should have made him sing the National Anthem out in the field!

According to Rick there are over 130 entries in the contest already. That’s impressive I think. You can see some of those entries on the FMC Stand & Be Heard website. Of course when it comes to voting that’s a lot of singing of the National Anthem to listen to. I already listened to several and they were all good. During my interview he explains how you can vote starting July 23.

STUDENTS: Singing the National Anthem
Could Win You a $10,000 Scholarship

We’re investing in farming’s future with our new Anthem™ herbicide (coming soon – EPA registration pending) and $25,000 in college scholarships as prizes in our Anthem Singing Contest.

Students (ages 13-21): enter by submitting a video of you singing the National Anthem. Videos will be posted online for popular voting to determine four finalists. The four finalists will be interviewed and their performances recorded for airing on national TV. Online voting will determine the grand prize winner.

Videos must be received by July 15. Must be a member of a national ag-related student organization such as FFA, 4-H or student NAMA to enter.

Check back soon to cast your vote!

List to my interview with Rick here: Interview with Rick Ekins

FMC Anthem Field Plot Tour Photos

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC