RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Chairman of American Seed Trade Association

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s the passing of the gavel. This time at the American Seed Trade Association convention. Here is new ASTA Chairman, Blake Curtis, Curtis & Curtis, Inc. (left) with past Chairman Mike Gumina, Pioneer Hi-Bred. I spoke with Blake at the end of the convention to find out things went in his opinion and what the future priorities are for the organization.

Blake says the convention was held at a very opportune time with the discussions and action on the farm bill and that served as a reminder about how important it is to be involved politically. The idea of meeting on a regular basis in Washington, DC has been raised. Looking ahead Blake says one of the most important goals is to continue the things they’ve been working on. One of those is an intellectual property rights bureau which he says provides an opportunity to educate people about the benefits of intellectual property rights. He also points to the ASTA strategic plan and importance of staying in touch with members to make sure they’re providing the benefits members need.

In conclusion, Blake says “ASTA should be seen as a pacesetter organization helping to set the ground rules for not only national but international trade.” He says they have people on staff who work to facilitate the movement of seed around the world and can be seen as a resource for any issues related to it.

Listen to my interview with Blake here: Interview with Blake Curtis

2012 ASTA Convention Photo Album

Ag Groups, ASTA, Audio, Seed