RFA Ethanol Podcast

ASTA Takes Capitol Steps

Chuck Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association closed out their convention gala banquet with entertainment from the Capitol Steps. These folks just keep getting better and they were hilarious.

It was pass the gavel time to a new Chairman for the association and also a time to recognize a number of people. Now past Chair, Mike Gumina, Pioneer Hi-Bred, welcomed new ASTA Chair Blake Curtis, Curtis & Curtis, Inc. Receiving a Lifetime Honorary Member Award was Sonny Beck, Beck’s Hybrids. Mark Seem, LG Seeds/AgReliant Genetics, LLC received a Distinguished Service Award.

I’ve got photos from the event uploading as I write and will have numerous more posts for you as time/travel allow in coming days.

2012 ASTA Convention Photo Album

Ag Groups, ASTA