2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Monitoring Water Quality

Chuck Zimmerman

Matt HicksMatt Hicks, U.S. Geological Survey, talked to the 2012 Conservation in Action Tour about water quality monitoring. We were standing next to a monitoring station that collects data from one of the drainage ditches on the farm. You can find photos of it in the online photo album.

Matt says his agency provides water quality monitoring assistance to other agencies and farmers locally. He’s been measuring water, nutrients and the health of Delta water bodies for a long time. He wanted to send the message that he can’t over emphasize how huge the partnership and cooperation that has taken place on local farms is. He talks about how they are collecting water quality data.

Listen to Matt’s remarks here: Matt Hicks Remarks

Buddy AllenBuddy Allen grows cotton, corn, soybeans and rice in Tunica County Mississippi. He’s highly involved in conservation organizations and invests in new technologies to improve irritation efficiency. Buddy says he’s got a great relationship with all the various groups and agencies working on conservation in the Delta area.

The two main issues he sees are water quantity. He says 80 percent of the crop land is irrigated and all of it will be in the near future. The other issue is water quality due to too many nutrients going downstream the Mississippi River. Buddy talked to us about what he’s learning and doing to improve his farm practices to mitigate these issues.

Listen to Buddy’s remarks here: Buddy Allen Remarks

2012 Conservation in Action Tour Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the CTIC Indian Creek Watershed Field Tour is sponsored by AGROTAIN
Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Farming