RFA Ethanol Podcast

PROpenMic Going Back To Future

Chuck Zimmerman

Once upon a time a long time ago I started what is now AgWired. One of the people who gave me encouragement was Robert French, Auburn University in Alabama. He is the creator of PR Open Mic which is having a week long birthday party. A University of Miami student interviewed Robert for a podcast. He was asked how he thinks PROpenMic has evolved in the last 4 years? “Initially it grew really fast, but the growth now has slowed down. However, I still think it is remarkable because people are still joining! It’s crazy to us because it’s been me and a couple students working and maintaining the site. I think the one thing that we built into the site that is extremely helpful is the Jobs and Internships* section. That gets the most traffic along with the videos. The site still has utility, and that is the most important part.” Here’s what the celebration is all about this week.

You’re invited! Please join us in a week-long celebration of PROpenMic’s 4th anniversary as we partner with students from the University of Miami and “Bring ‘U’ Back to the Future” with social media.

We will be posting amusing and interactive content to get you involved and keep you entertained all week long, including interviews, podcasts, videos and more! Connect with your fellow PR practitioners and students, and invite your friends. We are so happy to include you in this very special occasion as we reflect back on the beginnings of social media and look toward the future of our industry.

Be sure to check out the UM students in collaboration with PROpenMic on our main page, Facebook and Twitter (@PROpenMic)!

Education, Podcasts, Social Networking, University