2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Welcome From Bayer CropScience

Chuck Zimmerman

One of our first speakers at the 2012 Ag Issues Forum is Dr. Mathias Kremer, Head of Global BioScience for Bayer CropScience. He says he wanted the takeaway message from his welcoming remarks to be an understanding of what Bayer CropScience stands for which is “an organization which sees itself as one of the solution providers to the global problems we have and food supply and problems for the farmers in the field. And everything is driven by innovation.” He says the products and innovation they have “have the right team and right spirit and passion behind it.” I asked him about worldwide acceptance of biotech crops and he says there are areas with large areas of adoption but he’s not optimistic the resistance in Europe will change soon.

You can listen to my interview with Dr. Kremer here: Interview with Dr. Mathias Kremer

2012 Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer