2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Commodity Classic Already Shatters Attendance Records

Cindy Zimmerman

commodity classicThe 2012 Commodity Classic is still two weeks away, but the annual meeting of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum growers has already shattered attendance records.

Last year, total attendance set a record of 4,826 show participants. This year, registrations for the 17th annual event have already surpassed the 5,000 mark with two more weeks left until onsite registration opens.

commodity classic“We are thrilled that more and more growers and industry professionals recognize the value of attending Commodity Classic,” said Commodity Classic co-chair Martin Barbre. “Agriculture is both an exciting and challenging way of life. Because Commodity Classic addresses farming from a grower’s perspective, attendees find they can take information they’ve gathered from the show and put what’s practical for their operations into the field.”

More farm families, first-time attendees and agribusiness representatives will be at Commodity Classic than ever before. To celebrate the record breaking attendance, Commodity Classic’s 5,000th registrant, Kirk Zinkievich from Medina, N.Y., received a complimentary registration.

If you want to be part of the record-setting 2012 Commodity Classic March 1-3 in Nashville, visit www.commodityclassic.com.
