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NCBA Members Pass Policy Resolutions

Cindy Zimmerman

International trade, cattle payment efficiency and herd health were among the key policy issues members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association approved as resolutions during the Cattle Industry Convention last week in Nashville.

Regarding international trade, a resolution was passed that codified NCBA support of a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that removes tariff and non-tariff trade barriers for U.S. beef to participating countries, which include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

Another resolution that was passed encourages a more efficient payment system for fed cattle in light of the recent announcement by the U.S. Postal Service that first class mail delivery will slow in the future which could cause problems for the efficient delivery of payment for cattle.

Regarding herd health, the current management of bison on federal lands by the Department of Interior has raised concerns among cattle producers so NCBA members passed a resolution opposing the relocation of any bison outside the current Greater Yellowstone Area management area, the expansion of that area and any increase in the currently authorized bison population.

2012 Cattle Industry Convention Photo Album

Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA