RFA Ethanol Podcast

Pork Board Celebrates 20 Years of Cindy

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Pork Board is celebrating Cindy today. Not me, that would be Cindy Cunningham, or “communications professional extraordinaire,” as NPB VP of Communications Michael Wegner calls her.

cunninghamOur good friend is being celebrated today for 20 years of service to America’s pork industry. As Mike notes, Cindy “helped guide the pork industry through the price collapse in 1998 and through the H1N1 disaster in 2009. She’s also helped the industry avert a few thousand other crises — large and small — in between and since. And crisis management is just a small part of her job description. We all can be thankful she has chosen to dedicate these past 20 years to serving pork producers.”

I am thankful to have known Cindy for all those 20 years and that she is one of the exclusive club of three Cindy-Cyndi’s – which includes us and Cyndi Young of Brownfield Network. We’re kind of a big deal.

When I told her I wanted a photo to do a post about her anniversary at NPB, she said nay, nay. Of course, we have dozens of photos of her over the years – always lovely. And we have to say yeah, yeah.

Love you muchess, Duchess!

Pork, Public Relations