2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Leading up to Christmas

Melissa Sandfort

The countdown has begun and I’m trying to continue all the holiday traditions for my son that I had when I was growing up. We have the calendar hanging downstairs and we pin a little ornament to it every day; the tree was up at Thanksgiving.

To celebrate the fast-approaching Christmas season, I decided to do a series of posts about old decorations. To aid my writing, I made a trip to Grandma’s house and rummaged through her china hutch.

One of the first things I came upon was this little Christmas tree made of plastic, prickly pipe cleaners and lights. She said at one time you could put a battery in it and the lights lit up. She had this tree when she was younger so it’s aging in at 80.

Do you have any decorations around your house that you just don’t have the heart to toss? Or ones that have been passed down through the years?

7 days and counting!

Until we walk again …
