RFA Ethanol Podcast

Lindsay Hill Honored by NAFB

Cindy Zimmerman

The family of Lindsay Hill were honored Friday night as the NAFB president who died in a car accident halfway into her term this year was inducted into the Hall of Fame during what would have been her outgoing president’s banquet.

Lindsay’s father and mother – Lowell and Donna – her brother Lance and his wife Nikki were there to see her honored by her peers in a night of “laughter through our tears.” A number of NAFB past presidents paid tribute to Lindsay, and new president Tom Steever wrote a poem that reflected Lindsay’s words to live by on her Facebook page. Here’s some of his tribute.

On the phone she said to me,
I’ll explain this if I can,
I place my trust in God, you see,
and I know He has a plan.

I’ll tell you; those who never lose
are those who place no bets.
But life, my friend, is much too short
to wake up with regrets.

For those who love, and treat you right,
love them as you live.
That’s not the case with everyone,
so for those who don’t, forgive.

Ecclesiastes tells us that for each there is a season.
You must believe that everything happens for a reason.

Some things, she said, may change your life
and if it does, just let it.
For those resistant to life’s change,
I’d say they just don’t get it.

You may not know life’s gem until the day that you unearth it.
Easy? No. But please hear this; I promise you, it’s worth it.

I’ll view this so much differently while emotions now unravel;
My weight made light by angels’ wings as I accept this gavel.

We’ll overcome this sadness that’s defied imagination;
Let Lindsay’s memory instead be our source of inspiration.

So as we leave this banquet, let us not be blue,
Because Lindsay, this toast is given especially for you.

2011 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Coverage of the NAMA Trends in Agriculture & NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF