Outgoing NAMA President Has Positive Message

Chuck Zimmerman

Outgoing NAMA President Vicki Henrickson, BCS Communications, has presided over her last board meeting. That is if she passes the gavel tomorrow at lunch. Vicki is one of the most energetic cheerleaders for NAMA that I know.

I spoke with her after the meeting to find out some of the informational highlights from today’s meeting. Membership is up, meeting attendance is up and entries in the Best of NAMA competition are up. It’s all good. Vicki says the organization is in strong financial shape and the future looks bright.

You can listen to my interview with Vicki here: Interview with Vicki Henrickson

I’ve got a photo album started for the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference which you can find here: 2011 NAMA Trends in Agriculture Photo Album

Coverage of the NAMA Trends in Agriculture & NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Audio, NAMA