His name is Rupert Boneham but everyone knows him as Rupert, winner of Survivor. Rupert is one of the folks I’ve had the pleasure to meet here at the 2011 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. In the photo he’s being interviewed on the street before the Legends Ride. I ran into him again out here where I’m staying at the Buffalo Chip …
Biorefinery Safety
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think the biggest safety issue is at a biorefinery?” Here’s what you said. 43% said interaction with chemicals, 34% said, slips, grips and falls, 14% chose equipment and 9% other. We’ll be delving into this issue more in a series of stories on Domestic Fuel and appreciate your input! Our new …
National Farm-City Week Symposium Topic Announced
“Childhood Obesity: The School Lunchroom Debate,” will be the 2011 topic of the annual National Farm-City Week Symposium held at the Griffin Gate Marriott, Lexington, Ken., on Thursday, Nov. 17. The public is invited to attend. The purpose of this symposium will be to explore the issues around childhood obesity in the United States and how it can be managed …
Zimfo Bytes
Kinze introduces a new line of grain carts featuring an externally mounted, forward-angled corner auger. New Holland’s new ProCart™ deluxe carted wheel rakes are designed for fast, big raking capacity. Gerald Ketterling of Clive not only enjoyed his 15th RAGBRAI ride last month, he also won an iPad2 through a contest sponsored by Iowa Farmers Feed Us. The all-new Hesston …
Sun Sets on Great Tour of Great Farms and Great Lake
The rosy glow over the Maumee River as we returned from the 2011 CTIC Conservation In Action Tour Tuesday was reflective of the mood of the participants about the future of the Great Lake Erie and the agriculture that surrounds it. The theme of the tour was “Great Farms, Great Lake” and we heard from so many agricultural producers in …
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur at CTIC Tour
The 2011 CTIC Conservation In Action Tour concluded with a visit from Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) who represents the district that includes much of the area of Ohio that we visited today. This 15-term representative is an advocate for agriculture and conservation in her district and was pleased to take time to meet with the tour group. “My main message …
Promoting Ethanol at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
You might not think of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally as an agricultural event but there’s a tie-in. That tie is the fact that one of the sponsors of the event and my coverage here and on Domestic Fuel is the Renewable Fuels Association. There is prominent visibility for “Ethanol, Fueled with Pride.” On location here representing RFA is Robert White …
Learning About Lake Erie on CTIC Tour
Lake Erie is the most important lake in the world but it is facing some challenges. The first part of the 2011 CTIC Conservation In Action Tour allowed us to get a first hand look at and learn more about the Great Lake and the Maumee River and Bay that feed it. Jeff Reutter, Director of Ohio Sea Grant and …
2011 CTIC Conservation in Action Tour Kicks Off
Greetings from Toledo, Ohio and the 2011 CTIC Conservation in Action Tour! The Conservation Technology Information Center annual tour is taking place in Northwest Ohio and focusing on the impact of agriculture on the Maumee River and Bay, as well as Lake Erie. We started out the event with a boat tour of the river and bay and out into …
NCBA PAC Fundraising Campaign Underway
The political needs of cattle producers across the country may seem like a no brainer for many, but they are not well known or well supported by enough current senators. That is why it is so important for the beef industry to have representation on the Hill. And that’s why the Political Action Committee (PAC) plays such an important role …