send news release today

Black Kitty

Melissa Sandfort

Her name used to be Fuzz but now it’s just black kitty. It was just easier that way.

She ran out a month ago and found herself a nice boyfriend and wound up pregnant with her first litter of kittens. Like any new mom, I can relate. She’s probably not happy about all the wiggling and pushing going on in there, not to mention the fact that it’s been over 110 with the heat index the past four days. July/August isn’t a great time to be pregnant. I guess I forgot to tell her that.

We’re not sure when she’ll deliver the kittens but our best guess is sometime in early August. I’ve tried moving her inside to the garage but she seemed a bit lethargic and unhappy as her bird-catching gets put on hold while she’s inside. However, I don’t want to have to go digging through the grass and weeds to find where she hid the kittens so I can tame them down.

Given that it’s her first time though, she might just leave them at the back door for me to help with – she’s left everything else at the door as a prize – mice, birds, you name it.

For a husband with cat allergies, he’s not too excited about having a few more running around. At least he still has his prized garage (or man space) where he can work sneeze-free. For now.

Until we walk again …
