RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Holland Oscar in Agriculture Call For Entries

Chuck Zimmerman

The New Holland Oscar in Agriculture Award “recognizes the high levels of journalistic performance in broadcasting by agricultural communication professionals who are members of the NAFB.” Now is the time to enter this year’s competition. You can find the entry form and rules on the National Association of Farm Broadcasting website. The entry deadline is October 7, 2011. All work submitted must have aired since September 1, 2010. Here’s some information from the rules.


The New Holland Oscar in Agriculture program is designed to recognize and encourage excellence in broadcast reporting on
a wide variety of issues.

Broadcasters interested in applying for the Oscar should consider submitting entries that:

• Relate broadly to food, agriculture, natural resources, rural affairs and related matters of vital public interest;
• Have the necessary components to potentially cause or encourage positive changes, or neutralize negative
issues impacting agriculture;
• Encourage a call to action by listeners to improve themselves, their communities, their industry or the
communities in which they live.
• The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in reporting skill, thoroughness and attention to audience
interest. Each entry should describe the approach used to develop the reporting and coverage of that issue.
• The nomination should also include enough examples of articles or taped programs to illustrate the scope of
the work.
• All work submitted must have been aired since September 1, 2010.


The New Holland Oscar in Agriculture program is administered by Kansas State University.


The intent of the New Holland Oscar in Agriculture program is to provide recognition to an individual who is a professional agricultural communicator and is a voting member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting.

Media, NAFB, New Holland