I’m starting to age myself by writing this column. See, I show you pictures of Grandpa’s old things, but then I go and post pictures of MY old toys and you can tell just how old I really am!
These are the rollerskates I used as a kid and get this – you left your shoes on and they adjusted as your feet grew. Do any of you remember these? If you hit a pebble, you were taking a nosedive to the ground. And forget a stopper on the front…you had to skid sideways to put a halt to your fun. I later graduated up to a pair of white slip-on rollerskates with a pink stopper, for which my grandmother knitted a pink “puff” that tied to the shoelaces. That was big-time.
These old metal skates have long been retired and the skating rink burned down, but they do bring back memories. Disco balls, slow-skates, skating trains, birthday parties…
Until we walk again …