2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Retailer Perspective On FMC Summer Plot Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

A large group of retailers attended the FMC Summer Plot Tour in York, NE. They were there to learn what’s new from FMC and have the opportunity to see test results and interact with FMC product managers. We divided up into three groups and rotated field stations. To get a perspective of what these folks were learning I spoke with three of them.

First up is Jim Jensen, Andale Farmers Coop. He made a point of saying how little rain they get down in Kansas. The area we were in for the tour has received a significant amount of rain by comparison. In fact, we had some overnight before our tour. Jim says that Anthem looks really good on tough weeds. He thinks he’s really going to like it in combination with Authority. He deals with both corn and soybeans. Seeing the products in real world tests is very helpful for him.

You can listen to my interview with Jim here: Jim Jensen Interview

Next, I spoke with Roland Martin, Pawnee County Coop. He says they’ve been applying FMC products for years. He says FMC products have helped them to have a “phenomenal business.” He was very impressed by what he saw and although he uses other products, is very excited to have some new options.

You can listen to my interview with Martin here: Roland Martin Interview

I also spoke with Jason Perdue, agronomist for a local aerial applicator. He says that it’s great to see new options in the market. With Anthem coming out soon, he says it will give them flexibility with both corn and soybeans especially where they have irregular fields.

You can listen to my interview with Jason here: Jason Perdue Interview

FMC Summer Plot Tour Photo Album

Audio, FMC