RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Makes Interim Leadership Decisions

Cindy Zimmerman

The board of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting has made some decisions regarding the currently unfilled positions in the organization of president and executive director.

Tom Steever, Brownfield Network, sent out the following update:

As a result of Lindsay’s tragic death, with Board approval, I’ll serve out the year as President-Elect and also assume the responsibilities of NAFB President. Then at the start of 2012, I’ll assume the office of President as I normally would have. That will also allow for candidates to surface for the office of NAFB National Vice President to be elected at the annual convention in November when current Vice President Mark Oppold will be considered at that time for President Elect.

Moving on to other matters, I want to personally welcome NAFB veteran and Hall of Fame inductee Gene Millard to the temporary position of NAFB interim executive director. Gene has agreed to work for us part time as a staff point person in the executive director search and also to assist in securing a new office location for NAFB. There are several factors that led us to a decision to move our headquarters to a new location actually less than a mile from our current one.

It has certainly been a difficult year for NAFB, so Tom and the rest of the board members and staff have had their hands full in dealing with a very unprecedented situation. We wish them the best of luck moving the office and continuing the search for a new executive director.