RFA Ethanol Podcast

NASCAR AgriPhotographer

Chuck Zimmerman

Who says agriblogging isn’t hard work? I dare them to come out to a 90+ degree race track, strap on some Nikons and a vest and wander around getting the shots you need.

I love it though. Whether it’s out in a field or at a race track, anywhere, anytime is a great time to agvocate for America’s farmers and ranchers. I’m collecting photos today here at Chicagoland Speedway all the way through the inaugural STP 300 Nationwide Series race tonight. I just got out of the photographer’s meeting which is mandatory if you want to shoot a race. It’s all about safety while still getting the opportunity for a great shot. I’ll be doing my best. I got the #2 vest and keep getting asked who is number 1. I dunno and don’t care. LOL.

Here’s where my photos are being collected throughout the day and including tonight’s race: STP 300 Nationwide Series NASCAR Weekend Photos

Ethanol, NASCAR