2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Changes Needed in Farm Bill

Chuck Zimmerman

Of course we planned our latest ZimmPoll to coincide with the first public hearings on the new farm bill. Uh. Right. But that’s how it worked out. This past week we’ve asked the question, “What is your opinion about the farm bill?” Early in the poll there was not a large gap in response but then things changed and the choice of Needs Overhaul zoomed out in front with 61% choosing it. That’s followed by 31% who said it Needs Minimal Change and then 8% with Leave as is. I guess the bottom line is that something needs to change, eh?

If you missed the first hearings by the Senate Ag Committee you can still watch them:

Food for Thought: The Role, Risks and Challenges for American Agriculture and the Next Farm Bill in Meeting the Demands of a Growing World

Opportunities for Growth: Michigan and the 2012 Farm Bill

Our new ZimmPoll is now live. We’re asking the question, “Have you ever used your smartphone to scan a QR code?” Well, have you?

And if you have any questions you want to suggest for future ZimmPolls please let us know.

ZimmPoll is sponsored by Rhea+Kaiser, a full-service advertising/public relations agency.
