2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Food & Farming Are Game Changers For Humanity

Chuck Zimmerman

Tom StandageThe author of “An Edible History of Humanity” is Tom Standage, Business Editor, The Economist. He’s actually still presenting on stage but I always say, why wait? Thanks to Aly Rowell again for providing me with an interview she did with Tom.

I have not read the book but perhaps I will after hearing Tom’s presentation. It’s very interesting to hear about the “game changers” in history and their relationship to food and farming. Here’s what the book is about:

This book looks at history in another way entirely: as a series of transformations caused, enabled or influenced by food. Throughout history, food has done more than simply provide sustenance. It has acted as a catalyst of social transformation, societal organisation, geopolitical competition, industrial development, military conflict and economic expansion. From prehistory to the present, the stories of these transformations form a narrative that encompasses the whole of human history.

Tom Standage Interview

Follow the action on the Alltech Innovations Blog, including photos, interviews and there will be live streaming of certain sessions.

2011 Alltech Symposium Photo Album

Alltech, Audio, Farming, Food