RFA Ethanol Podcast

Washington Watch Wrap Up

Meghan Grebner

This week was the National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Washington Watch meeting in our beautiful Nation’s Capitol.  It definitely was an interesting time to be in DC after the events of last weekend.

Washington Watch gives NAFB members an opportunity to sit down with folks inside the Beltway and get an update on some of the major issues of concern to agriculture.  After Monday’s meetings broadcaster’s had a chance to delve deeper into the hot topics during Issues Forum.

Tuesday we visited USDA where we heard from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.  He touched on topics from the lack of planting progress this spring to the heartbreaking Birds Point New Madrid levee.  I think one of the most important items addressed was the decision to allow crop insurance protections for those affected by the Birds Point New Madrid levee situation (see Cindy’s post earlier this week).  We wrapped up Tuesday with a luncheon at the National Press Club with Former Secretary of Agriculture and Former Representative Larry Combest.  Tuesday afternoon left time for some Hill visits.  I had the opportunity to chat with my Representative, Aaron Schock, and his staff.  It’s always a good feeling to leave discussions with the confidence that the agriculture industry is in good hands.  Wednesday morning concluded with visits from several of ag’s biggest supporters in the Longworth Building.

One of the most touched on topics in DC this past week was the issue of trade.  I had the chance to speak with American Farm Bureau Federation’s Trade Specialist Chris Garza about the current pending free trade agreements.

Garza thinks there is light at the end of the tunnel…

Garza on Trade
Audio, Trade