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A Gentle Reminder

Meghan Grebner

The weather during the month of April has been strange for a lot of the United States and Central Illinois is no exception (my weather man on Friday said this would go down as one of the top ten wettest April’s on record).  While farmers are attempting to patiently wait to either get back in the fields or get into the fields for the first time – we’ve been talking a lot about on farm safety.  At WMBD/WIRL we have a monthly “webisode” called GROWMARK Gleanings and this month Safety Service Specialist with GROWMARK Doug DeFilipo addressed all aspects of safety.  I thought our conversation about chemical safety was one that could serve as a thoughtful reminder for everyone… Especially this time of year.  As always – here is to a very safe Spring Planting Season.

To steal a line from Mike Rowe Safety Third!

A Gentle Reminder