2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Are Farmers Really Behind On Social Media Use

Chuck Zimmerman

The results of our latest ZimmPoll suggest that you think farmers are behind the curve on social media adoption from the general public. A whopping majority of 61% chose Less than average in answer to the question, “How do farmers compare in social media use?” That’s followed by 27% who chose Same as general public and 12% who chose More than average. This really surprises me. Is this because of the average age of a farmer do you think? This response opens the door for a lot more questions. I’ll bet you have some. Does it suggest that we’re all wasting our time developing social media channels for farmer information and engagement? What are your thoughts? Please add a coment.

Our next ZimmPoll is now live and as planting season gets underway (in some places) we thought we’d pose one about the technology going into the crops of tomorrow. So the question is, “What should the next seed traits focus on?” Let us know what you think and thank you for participating.

And if you have any questions you want to suggest for future ZimmPolls please let us know.

ZimmPoll is sponsored by Rhea+Kaiser, a full-service advertising/public relations agency.
