RFA Ethanol Podcast

Keep Potatoes in Schools!

Cindy Zimmerman

According to the National Potato Council, “The time has come to stand up for potatoes in schools!”

French fries and mashed potatoes have long been staples of the school lunch program, but that could change if a USDA proposal incorporating the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is implemented. According to USDA, the revisions will “add more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat milk to school meals.” But, NPC says the changes include the reduction of certain vegetables, including potatoes, in schools. “The proposed rule on Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs would limit the weekly servings of potatoes, corn, peas and lima beans to a single cup in school lunches and would eliminate all these vegetables in school breakfasts.”

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee identified potassium and fiber as nutrients of concern for children. However, the USDA is recommending limiting the availability of a vegetable that not only provides these essential nutrients in a calorie-efficient package, but that’s also a vegetable children actually want to eat.

The comment period on the proposal ends April 13, so NPC is urging people to stand up for potatoes and make their voices heard by submitting comments to support potatoes in school lunches. Find out more at PotatoesInSchools.com.

Potato, USDA