RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Executive Director Resigns

Cindy Zimmerman

It was almost exactly a year ago that former NAFB president Mark Vail was introduced to the agricultural industry at the 2010 Commodity Classic as the new executive director of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Today, it was officially announced that the board has accepted his resignation. The following statement was sent to the membership by NAFB president Lindsay Hill:

national association farm broadcastingNAFB Executive Director Mark Vail has submitted his resignation to the NAFB Board of Directors and the Board has accepted. Mark joined NAFB as the Executive Director early last year. During his tenure his work contributed to an increase in NAFB membership and convention sponsorships.

Mark’s final day with NAFB will be Friday, March 11, 2011. Please join the NAFB Board of Directors in thanking Mark for his efforts on behalf of NAFB and wishing him the very best as he pursues new opportunities.

The Board is developing a plan for the search process to find a replacement.