2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmPoll Says All Biofuel Feedstocks In Play

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s hard to believe we’ve been conducting a weekly poll for agrimarketers and everyone involved in the agribusiness industry, farmers included, for almost 3 months now! We’re always looking for question ideas so please feel free to use comments here to suggest one or just email me. These polls are all archived so that you can easily review them anytime by clicking on the ZimmPoll Category. Over time they will become a good historical resource and we can’t thank Rhea + Kaiser enough for helping make it possible.

In the last couple weeks we’ve been very involved in two of the main biofuels events of the year, the National Biodiesel Conference and National Ethanol Conference. Last week’s question was very timely and received the most activity of any ZimmPoll to date.

We asked the question, “Which biofuel feedstock do you think has best future?” This is a very important question that is hotly debated and the answer will have a major impact in the biofuels industry and agribusiness as well. So what did you say? Energy Crops (Switchgrass, etc.) received the most votes at 26% followed by, Waste Material 24%, Corn 23%, Other 13%, Woody Biomass 10% and Soybean 4%. I really would not have predicted these results. If you clicked on “Other” what was on your mind? Something yet to be discovered? Feel free to post your comments.

Our next ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “Is agricultural marketing and communications a profession?” Let us know what you think and thank you for participating.

ZimmPoll is sponsored by Rhea+Kaiser, a full-service advertising/public relations agency.
