New Beef Ambassadors

Chuck Zimmerman

Members of the new team of National Beef Ambassadors showed up at the Cattle Industry Convention. Pictured are (l-r) Kelli Fulkerson, Michigan, Jessica Sweet, California, Kristen Stufft, Pennsylvania and Austin Joyce, Texas. Not with us is Maddy Ruble, South Dakota. I interviewed them all together.

I first asked them why they chose to pursue becoming a beef ambassador and you’ll hear some very different answers. The team is obviously very passionate about the beef industry and I think they’ll be good advocates for us. We also talked about the events they’ll be going to and they made a point of saying that if anyone has ideas for a place they should be to please contact the American National CattleWomen. Please check out the Beef Ambassador Blog too!

You can listen to my interview with the new Ambassadors here: Beef Ambassadors Interview

2011 Cattle Industry Convention Photos

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference