2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agwired Cattle Convention Coverage Delayed

Cindy Zimmerman

It looks like the 2011 Cattle Industry Annual Convention & NCBA Trade Show will be officially kicking off on Wednesday without us, although we are still trying to get there.

I know we are not alone, there are lots of cattlemen and women across the country who are having problems getting to Denver for the big event this week, but it’s still frustrating. Our original flight was scheduled for today (Tuesday) and although we tried to beat the storm by rescheduling for early Monday evening, our flight was canceled after we arrived in Kansas City. We made the drive through freezing rain to and from KC airport safely and re-booked for Wednesday afternoon, wishfully thinking that the worst would be over by then. Apparently, not so much. Our 1:30 pm flight has already been canceled.

Sooo, we are now re-scheduling on a different airline to try and get in late and still be there for all of Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We can only hope. At this point, however, we will definitely miss the Cattlemen’s College, opening general session and Trade Show Welcome Reception.

We are determined to make it there yet so that we can still bring coverage to others who may still not be able to get there, so stay tuned!