2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

On The Go Crop Sensing Technology Next Big Thing In Precision

Chuck Zimmerman

AG CONNECT ExpoI took a look at what’s new with Ag Leader Technology with Mike Olson at the AG CONNECT Expo. Here’s Mike talking through precision applications and options during the show.

Mike says they just announced the addition of advanced seed tube monitoring to their displays. This allows farmers to take their Integra display and monitor singles and doubles in their spacing along with other things. This helps make sure you’re getting the best performance from your planter. Mike says farmers are most interested in auto steering since many haven’t implemented it yet and also planter clutch control which allows section control.

Looking ahead Mike says that he wants farmers to take a look at their OptRx crop sensor technology which allows for on the go variable nitrogen application. He says data they’ve seen from fields using this technology is amazing.

Listen to my interview with Mike here: Interview With Mike Olson

2011 AG CONNECT Expo Photo Album

Ag Leader, Audio, Precision Agriculture