2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Serving Peanuts To Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

AFBF Annual MeetingWhen you’re in Georgia at a farm show you know you’re going to be talking peanuts. That’s what I did with Don Koehler, Georgia Peanut Commission, pictured with Donna Rocker. We not only talked peanuts we sampled some. Don says that during the trade show in the AFBF Pavilion at the AG CONNECT Expo they made and served 350 waffles that were served with a peanut/maple sauce and chopped nuts, 150 pounds of fried peanuts served with different seasonings and 700 peanut butter/chocolate covered cherries.

Don says he wanted the farmers attending the show that were here from all over the world to know how good and healthy peanuts are for them. He says peanut butter is more than just a “bread spread.” He also told me that the 2010 season had about every kind of weather condition possible but wound up with a pretty good crop and they expect better weather in 2011.

You can listen to my interview with Don here: Don Koehler Interview

2011 AFBF Annual Meeting Photo Album

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio, Peanuts