2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Messages that Matter: Consumer’s Attitudes Toward Food System

Joanna Schroeder

The Center for Food Integrity (CFI) has just released insight into what influences the segment of society most capable of changing consumer attitude toward today’s food system. The report, “Messages that Matter” is based on CFI’s Consumer Trust in the Food System research that has taken place over the past four years. The most recent study specifically focused on “early adopters” because of their ability to drive social change and found that using a platform of shared values is critical for building trust in today’s food system.

“If we are going to be successful in changing attitudes we must not only increase consumer knowledge but also change what they currently believe,” said Terry Fleck, CFI’s executive director. “This document is a key component in our mission to increase consumer trust and confidence in today’s food system.”

Key areas of focus included nutrition, food safety, humane treatment of farm animals, and responsible use of technology in food production. Specific attitudes and beliefs of consumers were tested and the results were used to determine what the most effective messages and programming elements would have the most positive impact on changing attitudes.

The research determined that “early adopters,” which represent about 13 percent of the population, are opinion leaders who can influence other people. While they have a higher level of concern about food safety, animal welfare and other food system issues they are also information seekers who are willing to consider credible sources.

“We encourage organizations to use this information to help shape their approach to communicating the benefits of today’s food system to consumers,” said Fleck. “We think organizations will find it very helpful in developing programming and messages.”

For more information about the study, visit www.foodintegrity.org.

Education, Food, Research