2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Kenny Wallace Supporting Family Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

AG CONNECT ExpoKenny Wallace, NASCAR driver, says, “Ethanol all the way in NASCAR!” That’s what he told me this afternoon in the American Farm Bureau Federation Pavilion on the floor of the AG CONNECT Expo. Thanks to Tricia Braid, Illinois Corn Growers, for setting up our interview and taking the photo. Kenny was signing autographs in the Nationwide Insurance exhibit.

You won’t find a bigger supporter of the American farmer and in particular that farm made fuel, ethanol. NASCAR is using E15 now and Kenny finds that exciting. Family farmers have supported Kenny recently and will be doing so in a bigger way in the future. He says that he wants farmers to know that he’s helping get their message out to the public. Kenny says he’s had a chance to run a combine and is amazed at the technology built into them! Here’s where you can follow Kenny on Twitter.

You can listen to my interview with Kenny here: Interview With Kenny Wallace

2011 AG CONNECT Expo Photo Album

AFBF, Ag Leader, Audio, Corn, Ethanol