2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Free Range Internet Via Ayrstone AyrMesh

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a company that I did not get to talk with at the recent NAFB convention Trade Talk session. However, the Ayrstone AyrMesh seemed very interesting and I thought I’d bring it to your attention. It sounds good and maybe ZimmComm World Headquarters could use it to improve our wifi experience! If you’ve used one please leave a comment about your experience.

Now you and your Internet have the run of the place.

New for people living and working in open spaces: the Ayrstone AyrMeshTM Wi-Fi system. This long-range Wi-Fi provides Internet to your entire farm, homestead or open space by broadcasting your broadband Internet connection. Use your farm Wi-Fi to save time inside, outside and all around your place:

* Follow your tractor maintenance manual from your laptop instead of wasting time printing it out
* Key-in data about your farm animals from the barn instead of taking notes in a notebook
* Furnish Internet access to visitors, employees, contract workers
* Provide all your kids Internet access at homework time instead of the lineup next to the computer
* Take your home office out to the porch or under your favorite tree instead of staying cooped-up in the house

The AyrMesh network extends your home network to your open spaces including workshops, stables, garages, outbuildings and even pasture, without the chore digging in cables. Each AyrMesh Hub provides up to a half-mile of Wi-Fi coverage. Extend your coverage up to 2 miles by linking AyrMesh Hubs through Wi-Fi. Ready to purchase the Ayrstone AyrMesh system?

Equipment, Internet