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Survey Drawing Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

The Survey Monkey has spoken and the winner is …. drum roll, please….

Jamie Wilson with the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan

Jamie reads Domestic Fuel and says she is most interested in stories related to ethanol. We sincerely appreciate her taking the time to fill out the survey so we can learn more about our audiences on all the various ZimmComm on-line publications. All the survey entries for November were entered to win $250 and Jamie’s name was picked out of the hat this morning. All those who have already filled out the survey will remain in the running for the next drawing at the end of this month for another 250 bucks.

Some interesting results we have found so far from the first month of our survey:

Domestic Fuel got the most survey responses, which makes sense since it has the most traffic. The majority of respondents were either existing producers (12.5%) or in marketing/sales for biofuels (10%)

On World Dairy Diary, one quarter of respondents said they were actual dairy farmers and over 35 percent said they followed WDD on Twitter.

Over 30% of the respondents for Agwired are in advertising, marketing, communications or public relations. Almost 40% said they read Agwired 4-7 times a week and the same amount follow on Twitter.

One third of the respondents on Precision Pays are crop farmers and all of them grow corn and soybeans.

We have almost enough entries at this point to be statistically significant, which is great, but we intend to keep it going at least through the end of January. The more responses we get, the better we can know who is in our audience to serve you better. Yes, we have to ask for all the personal info like name and address, but we will not share that with anyone else. We just simply want to get a better handle on who you are and what you want to read about.

So, if you have not responded yet, take the survey now by clicking here for this website. Jamie – your check is in the mail and we hope you enjoy the extra holiday cash!

ZimmComm Announcement