RFA Ethanol Podcast

Testing and Conditioning Seeds

Chuck Zimmerman

I was fascinated to see the Iowa State University Seed Science Center which was a tour stop for the TATT Global Farmer to Farmer Roundtable. One of our hosts was Michael Stahr, Seed Laboratory Manager.

The first thing that really got my attention was their herbarium which contains over 6,000 vials of seeds that date back to when George Washington Carver was doing work there. These are used primarily to compare and identify seed samples. It is of course in a locked cabinet! Michael says they test seeds for a variety of things. In fact, they’re the largest public seed lab in the country doing over 40,000 tests/year. Besides testing they also do seed conditioning. They conduct workshops for seed company personnel to improve the quality of their seed.

You can listen to my interview with Michael here: Michael Stahr Interview

Thanks again to the National Corn Growers Association for making my participation possible.

TATT Global Farmer To Farmer Roundtable Photo Album

Audio, Education, Seed, Technology, University