NAFB Foundation Toy Tractor Available

Chuck Zimmerman

We’re getting near time for the annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention. It’s one of my favorite times of the year because it also means time for deer hunting!

The NAFB Foundation has just announced that you can place an order for one of their toy tractors, designed, signed and numbered by Joe Ertl. This year the model is a John Deere B. This is the final year for the program so get your order in soon. It is expected that these will sell out.

Joe Ertl has personally autographed each of the numbered John Deere B 1/16 scale toy tractors for NAFB. To make it a unique toy for the organization, Joe designed and mounted a replica of a tractor radio.

There are only 200 of these tractors being produced and sold to benefit the NAFB Foundation. Numbers 6-200 will be available to the public for sale. Numbers 1-5 will be auctioned live during the Foundation Auction at the NAFB Convention on November 11, 2010.

Orders for 6-200 are currently being taken, but the tractors won’t be shipped until early December 2010.

Made in the USA. Price is $85 plus shipping and handling.

Place your order here.

Education, NAFB