RFA Ethanol Podcast

Corn and Soybean Growers At Pioneer Field Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Pioneer Hi-Bred Technology Field DayI have to believe that Pioneer Hi-Bred was very happy with farmer attendance at their Crop Technology Field day held in Carrollton, MO. Each of the tour stops were packed with an attentive audience.

I spoke with two of the farmers in attendance. One was Paul Tracy from Denver, MO. Paul was there to see and learn more about new Pioneer corn and soybean varieties. He likes to try them on his farm to see if they hold up to his farming practices. His corn was planted early as well as his soybeans and he says it’s all looking good right now except some spots that had too much water. You can listen to my interview with Paul here: Paul Tracy Interview

I also spoke with Curtis Swearingin, Carrollton, MO. He wanted to learn more about new technologies and chemical programs due to weed pressure. He says his corn is not doing good do to a cold and wet May. He has started shelling corn and moisture is drier than he expected. You can listen to my interview with Curtis here: Curtis Swearingin Interview

2010 Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field Day Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Farming, Pioneer