2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Fine Dining At The Fort

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s nice to talk about something other than “the issue” here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. It has sure dominated discussion and I sincerely hope “the issue” can be worked out amicably and soon for the benefit of everyone in the beef industry. If you’re wondering what I’m referring to then check my earlier posts from this morning.

So, let’s talk about steaks and fine cuisine for a moment. I was pleasantly surprised to see a number of restaurant and other Denver area establishments on display near conference registration. One that caught my eye right away was The Fort. The Fort is a unique restaurant west of downtown a little ways. I met Wayne Lindsey, Marketing and Public Relations Manager.

Wayne says The Fort was built in 1963 by Sam Arnold as a replica of an 1830’s fur trade fort in La Junta, CO. It was built to be a house and the family lived there for a while. Now it’s a very fine restaurant with 1830’s Colorado cuisine that includes beef of course but also other items like rattlesnake, buffalo and elk. Now that sounds like where I need to go! Wayne Lindsey Interview

2010 Cattle Industry Summer Conference Photo Album

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Food