2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

International Company Fits Perfectly at Int’l Precision Ag Conference

John Davis

The good folks at Leica Geosystems have found plenty to talk about at the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. And why shouldn’t they? Leica is into precision agriculture systems, and it’s definitely for farms just about anywhere in the world.

“It’s important for us to be here to show people where Leica comes from [and] our product range,” Rob Kiernan, Leica’s Global Sales and Marketing Manager told me.

He says while agriculture is different in other parts of the world … some places focus on huge fields, while many farmers work in numbers of acres that you could count on one hand … there is a need to have precision technology, such as Leica offers.

“If we have the core technology of the GPS, it does benefit agriculture across the regions [of the world]. We’ve always looked at the big fields, but the small fields are equally important.”

You can hear more of my conversation with Rob by listening to it or downloading it from the player here: Rob Kiernan, Leica Geosystems

ICPA Photo Album

Coverage of the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture brought to you on Agwired by leica When it has to be RIGHT!

Audio, Leica Geosystems, Precision Agriculture