RFA Ethanol Podcast

John Deere Gator XUV In Action

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere Gator XUVYou can’t get enough Gator. Most of you know that I graduated from the University of Florida, so a utility vehicle called a Gator has always held a soft spot in my heart.

Last week’s unveiling of the new line of John Deere Gator XUV’s included getting out in the wild and riding them. I’ve got two video clips to share. The first one is an interview with John Deere’s Mark Clodfelter while we had the vehicles sitting still for photos. He talks about all the features and options and focus on safety.

So now that you’ve heard about all the products and features while the Gator was sitting still how about seeing what it’s like out on the trail? I’ve got to say that holding a camera steady while interviewing John Deere’s Kevin Lundt was not easy, especially in bright sunshine. Conditions were perfect for a trail ride though.

John Deere, Video