RFA Ethanol Podcast

Conservation Ag Tour To Visit Virginia

Melissa Sandfort

The Conservation Technology Information Center’s Conservation In Action Tour, slated for Aug. 2-3, 2010, will visit innovative farm operations in east central Virginia. Presenters will initiate discussions about agriculture’s role in addressing Chesapeake Bay water quality concerns and will demonstrate equipment, tools and technologies that help farmers use nutrients efficiently. (*photo credit: Charles Carter)

During this event, participating farmers, policy makers, agricultural advisors, conservation professionals, private industry and others will visit farms and farmers in the Williamsburg area. Tour stops will feature successful, profitable farming operations built with conservation in mind. Presenters will discuss the appropriate role, system and support for Bay Region ecosystem services provided by agriculture – through government programs and new market-based approaches. Participants will learn more about the actions producers take to protect soil and water quality, plus possible generation and sale of these services, often measured with carbon or water quality “credits.”

The registration price covers transportation, meals and refreshments, and a social event on Aug. 2, the evening before the Tour. CTIC members pay $75.00 and non-members pay $100.00. Agricultural producers and members of the media pay $25.00.

Tour sponsors, including Syngenta, John Deere, Mosaic, Agrotain, Case IH, Monsanto and Agri Drain, recognize the need to conserve natural resources while feeding the world and making a living from the land.

Click here to register, or call CTIC at (765)-494-9555. For more information, please contact Karen Scanlon, executive director, CTIC, at 765-494-9555 or scanlon@ctic.org.
